Friday, September 26, 2008

Reds Anatomy.

I watched a T.V. show last night and just couldn't help but write about it. I'm not going to name it specifically because i know many many people like it, but lets just say it was a certain colors ANATOMY. ;p Now, i am normally very GREY when it comes to the things i watch, but sometimes i get this feeling that i should be more strict with myself.

ANY way.

As i watched this certain show i wondered how it really affects those that watch it. The way the shows main characters talked about things (such as sex) practically said to the audience hey, its cool to go do these things that you shouldn't, everyone does it. Take for example the constant banter about having stress sex with someone other then your husband or wife. They talked about it so casually, like eventually it was a given to happen, and its completely OK. There were so many times where i found out (through the people i was watching it with) that practically everyone has slept with everyone. Cause that is a great show! ?? I mean when it boiled down to it, the show last night wasn't even really about the struggles of keeping the people in the car accidents alive. That was put as the backdrop to the real story, which was one lady's best friend had slept with her husband and going through the process of having to tell her right then and their and how they were going to respond. You know what really got to me? One of the girls (who liked a guy who slept with her sister.... ??) said this little gem of EFFING CRAP about cheating. "You know, its not really cheating that matters. Its how you make up for it." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THE CHEATING DOESN'T MATTER? You want to watch an intriguing medical show? Go watch House. Where the main story is about whats going on to the patient! As i watched this show, and commercials for others, (such as sex in the city, don't even get me started on this show which is all about women being dirty friggin sluts) i thought to myself, it is so wrong that these shows are so popular and win awards. I pray that parents do not let their kids watch these shows because they will grow up thinking cheating and random sex and being a effing slut is OK. Look if you watch these shows, I'm not bashing on you. You can do whatever you want, and you enjoy a show completely centered around fornication. That's OK. I like movies about drugs. I like movies about debauchery. Those aren't good for our youth either. I'm just praying that the girls that love these shows don't act like the girls on them.

Just please don't be a friggin hypocrite. Its so funny how if i am watching a movie that maybe in one scene has a sex scene, or better yet for 10 seconds shows boobs (like you've never seen any before?), its inappropriate. But yet watching two hours of a show completely highlighting fornication is OK.

What a trashy world we live in, that these have to be the topics of interest that we love so dearly. But, sex sells right? And lets all (including myself) by into it.


Look. If i offended anyone, i apologize. BUT. I do not take anything i said back. Because i meant what i said, down to every single word. I'm sorry if you feel its out of place for me to use the word slut when talking about certain women on certain shows, and what i don't want our youth to grow up to. I'm sorry if you feel it is demeaning or whatever. I simply use it in the same way that i call people hypocrites or liars. I mean it in the way that it describes the word in the dictionary. ( A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous). So if you have a problem for me stating the truth, then I'm sorry you feel that way. But i don't take it back. I don't intend it in a way that is meant to disapprove of loving them, because i know that women i would consider sexually promiscuous (see wouldn't it have been easier to just say slut?) need just as much love as the rest of us. I have friends who i care deeply about that fall into that category. Just as i call out many times how i think many many people are hypocrites. Its not in a anti-love kind of way. I do love them, and want to help. But if your going to read this entire post and then pick out the word slut and try and get on my case about the one word because it upsets you that oh no I'm picking on one of your favorite TV shows, then i invite you to not read my posts anymore. Because i never have and never will censor myself about what i feel is right or wrong just because someone else feels the opposite as i do. Just so you know, i write things that go against my own favorite t.v. shows as well. Such as the office and the phrase "that's what she said." If it calls for it, i will use the word slut again. I may use the word whore, prostitute, and hooker. I mean, if that's what the person is, then i will have no hesitation to use those words. So i am sorry some of you took offence. But I'm warning you its going to happen again, and if you cant handle it, then as i said before. I invite you to not read my blog anymore.


kt said...

I can't even tell you how inappropriate it is to refer to women as "effing sluts".

Lauren Elise said...

I was going to say the exact same thing- "dirty friggen sluts" is also completely offensive and upsetting.

Randall said...

WOW :(

Susan said...

also agreeing with the other girls....sorry....

Unknown said...

"like you've never seen any before?" is no justification for anything. The Bible (2 Timothy 2:22, to be exact) says to flee, plain and simple. Not watch because there's only one scene or only 10 seconds of boobs. Flee.

valbuss said...
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valbuss said...

It's just a just a very derogatory word for females like the word bitch. Slut: "Slut is a pejorative term for a person who is deemed sexually promiscuous. The term has traditionally been applied to women and is generally used as an insult or offensive term of disparagement" We are ALL created in the image of God and calling someone a slut is dehumanizing them. I think that's why people got upset. It would be like calling an Africa Amercian an N*gg** or a man a prick. Not because it's not "PC" but because it's just an awful derogatory slang toward another person made in the image of God. It would be better to say adulterers, fornicators,prostitutes or anything else that calls a spade a spade.

I whole heartily agree with you on your post though. These ladies on these programs do cheapin sex and then cover it up with "everyone's doing it." and it does sadden me. Don't stop from saying the truth! I do appreciate your posts. Especially the highly controversial ones :-)

Randall said...

Thanks Val!

Amy Trianne said...

I love you all, and you know that, but inappropriate or not, if girls want to portray themselves in this way why is it not okay to point out the truth? And not all women are this way, in fact, most aren't. So he is not calling all women sluts or bitches, he is simply referring to certain women. And these women make themselves out in this way, so I don't understand what the problem is.

Amy Trianne said...

Oops, forgot to add in there that Val is right about using certain words though. PC or not, it kind of still all means the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I am a girl and I would like to say that i dont understand what everyone is going crazy for. I enjoy Sex in the City and Grey's. Yet, i will be the first to admit that those women really are for lack of a better word, sluts. They are horrible terrible role models for girls to have. I agree with everything you said Randall. Thank you for being honest.